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· The drinking age should be lowered to eighteen to save time and money of those who are enforcing the law and the people of the United States who are paying for it and the drinking age should match the standards of the military in which someone who is eighteen is allowed to fight for their country, so they should be able to have a beer if they blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · Argumentative Essay Sample on Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Did you know you have to be twenty-one to drink while you have to be eighteen to smoke? Smoking can damage your body much more than drinking. The age of drinking should be lowered because of this. If the age of drinking is lowered, many more people would get DUI’s Argumentative Essay On The Drinking Age Over the years, the legal drinking age in the United States has been heavily debated. Some argue that the legal age to drink should be 18 or 19 because people at that age are recognized as adults; others argue that the drinking age should be 21 because people who are able to drink should be more mature and have their lives better
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· The drinking age should be lowered to eighteen to save time and money of those who are enforcing the law and the people of the United States who are paying for it and the drinking age should match the standards of the military in which someone who is eighteen is allowed to fight for their country, so they should be able to have a beer if they blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · Argumentative Essay Sample on Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Did you know you have to be twenty-one to drink while you have to be eighteen to smoke? Smoking can damage your body much more than drinking. The age of drinking should be lowered because of this. If the age of drinking is lowered, many more people would get DUI’s Arguments supporting the legal drinking age being set at 21 include: letting the brain fully develop before exposing it to damaging effects of excessive alcohol use, keeping those aged in a safe environment, and reducing traffic deaths for those under 21

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· The drinking age should be lowered to eighteen to save time and money of those who are enforcing the law and the people of the United States who are paying for it and the drinking age should match the standards of the military in which someone who is eighteen is allowed to fight for their country, so they should be able to have a beer if they blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · I would like to end this essay with the words of Prof. Engs. “The 21 year old drinking age law is not working, it is counterproductive”, we should change our present national drinking age law and teach those who decided to consume alcohol how to drink without forgetting about responsibilities. Works cited Engs, Ruth · Drinking Age Argumentative Essay In the United States, a person gets all their rights at the age of 18 except the right to drink. Here, you can't drink until you're One of the main reasons for this being the drinking age is the high risk of drunk driving. On the other hand, underage drinkers have a higher chance to binge drink
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Argumentative Essay On The Drinking Age Over the years, the legal drinking age in the United States has been heavily debated. Some argue that the legal age to drink should be 18 or 19 because people at that age are recognized as adults; others argue that the drinking age should be 21 because people who are able to drink should be more mature and have their lives better · I would like to end this essay with the words of Prof. Engs. “The 21 year old drinking age law is not working, it is counterproductive”, we should change our present national drinking age law and teach those who decided to consume alcohol how to drink without forgetting about responsibilities. Works cited Engs, Ruth · Legal Drinking Age. Legality of drinking and purchase of alcoholic beverages has been a controversial topic in many nations. The cognitive development aspect of children coming to play causing diverse views on maturity of a person both in reasoning and psychological well-being. This has led to different countries having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA)

Legal Drinking Age
· The drinking age should be lowered to eighteen to save time and money of those who are enforcing the law and the people of the United States who are paying for it and the drinking age should match the standards of the military in which someone who is eighteen is allowed to fight for their country, so they should be able to have a beer if they blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Running head: ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 1 The Drinking Age Should be Raised to 25 Years Your First and Last Name Institution Course fARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 2 Introduction The debate about increasing the legal age for drinking is increasingly getting vicious especially in the United States of America Arguments supporting the legal drinking age being set at 21 include: letting the brain fully develop before exposing it to damaging effects of excessive alcohol use, keeping those aged in a safe environment, and reducing traffic deaths for those under 21
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